How to Create a Gmail Account

Creating a Gmail account is quick and easy, and also provides you access to other Google products such as YouTube, Google Drive and Google Plus. To create a Gmail address, You'll first need to create a Google account. Gmail will redirect you to the Google account signup page. 

How to Create a Gmail Account

You'll need to provide some basic information like your name, birthdate, gender, and location. You will also need to choose a name for your new Gmail address. Once you create an account, you'll be able to start adding contacts and adjusting your mail settings.

How to create a Gmail Account

To create an account, open the Gmail website and click the blue "Create an account" button below the login box. This will redirect you to the "Create your Google account" Page. 

Create a Gmail Account
Now fill the signup form with accurate information such as Your Name, date of birth, gender etc.

1. Name : In this box, enter your First Name and Last Name. 

2.  UserName : Your username will become your new Gmail email address. If your username is not available, you will be given several related options, or you can try a different one. 

3. Password : Just like any other online service, it's important to choose a strong password-in other words, one that is difficult for someone else to guess. 

4. Date of Birth : You will need to enter your date of birth for age verification. 

5. Gender : Select your gender that's male or female. 

Gmail signup Form

6. Mobile : Enter your phone number in case you loose access to your account, it will help you to retrieve your account. Google can send you a text in case you loose access to your Gmail account. 

7. Complete the CAPTCHA : This is a verification tool that ensures that a real person is creating the account. If you can't read it, click the refresh button next to the text field to get a new one, or click the speaker button to have it read out loud through your computer speakers. 

After you complete the CAPTCHA, select your current location. Choose your country of residence, even if you're planning on using the email elsewhere. 

8. Terms & Condition : Click on check box "I agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy" and tap on "Next Step". 
Gmail signup Form details
It will redirect you to the Create Profile Page and click on add profile photo. Now select a photo from your computer and tap on set as profile photo. Click on Next Step to go to your inbox and gets started.

